perm filename LABEL.DOC[DOC,LMM]1 blob sn#044084 filedate 1973-05-18 generic text, type T, neo UTF8


                                L. Masinter
                              N.S. Sridharan

                        Computer Science Department
                            Stanford University
                           Stanford, California

                                 May, 1973

      ABSTRACT.  An  algorithm for  finding  a complete  set  of non-
      equivalent labellings of a symmetric object and applications of
      the algorithm to problems in chemistry are presented.



The class  of combinatorial problem  dealing with finding  a complete

set of non-isomorphic objects under varying constraints  and concepts

of isomorphism, have  wide applications in  a variety of  fields. The

problem attacked in this paper is one of finding all distinct ways to

assign a given number of labels or colors to the parts of a symmetric

object when it is also known how many parts get each of the labels or

colors.  In chemistry, one  manefestation of this problem is  to make

all assignments of ligands (from a fixed set) to a  given carbocyclic

skeleton.  Part A of  this paper may be  read as a brief  tutorial on

the  nature of  the problem  and an  introduction to  the terminology

found in more  technical treatments.  Part  B describes a  method for

the solution of this type of problem; a formal description  and proof

of correctness  is available  elsewhere.  Part  C gives  examples and

applications  of  this  algorithm  in  both  organic   and  inorganic


This problem is  encountered in a  wide range of  applications beyond

chemistry-- within many areas of graph theory and  combinatorics, for

example.  It has  been known how to  compute the number  of solutions

[1], but  an efficent method  of actually constructing  the solutions

has not previously been reported.



The discussion in this paper is restricted to the labelling of graphs

with the  "topological" symmetry groups;  the algorithm,  however, is

immediatly applicable  to other types  of labellings; one  could, for

example, generate  all distinct "permutational  isomers" for  a given

three dimensional ring system as defined in Ruch [2].



Consider the special case of the general problem:  suppose all of the

labels  are distinct.   This means  that, for  example,one  wishes to

number the  faces of a  cube with the  numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6},  or the

"nodes"  (atom positions  in a  graph) of  the decalin  skeleton with

numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.   There are n! (n factorial)  ways of

labelling  where n  is the  number of  parts.  If  the object  has no

symmetry  then each  of these  n! ways  are distinct  from  the rest.

However for the  decalin skeleton (where n!  = 10! =  3,628,800 ways)

there is  some symmetry.  Pick  one of the  numberings as a  point of

reference (Fig  2a).  Some of  the 10! ways  are different  (Fig 2b);

some of them are essentially the same (Fig 2c).



                        Figure 1
                    The Decalin Skeleton

                         ⊗     ⊗
                        / \   / \
                       /   \ /   \
                      ⊗     ⊗     ⊗
                      |     |     |
                      |     |     |
                      ⊗     ⊗     ⊗
                       \   / \   /
                        \ /   \ /
                         ⊗     ⊗

                        Figure 2
                Three of the 10! numberings of
                   the Decalin Skeleton.

         2     4             7     1             4     2
        / \   / \           / \   / \           / \   / \
       /   \ /   \         /   \ /   \         /   \ /   \
      1     3     5       2     8     9       5     3     1
      |     |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
      |     |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
      10    8     6       3     4     5       6     8     10
       \   / \   /         \   / \   /         \   / \   /
        \ /   \ /           \ /   \ /           \ /   \ /
         9     7             6     10            7     9

          (2a)                (2b)                 (2c)

Intuitively, Figs 2a and 2c are equivalent because one could take 2a,

flip it  over and get  2c.  There is  another way of  determining the

"sameness" of such numberings which is easier in the more complicated

cases and is in general more suited to computer application:



Write down the respective  "connection tables". (See Table  I).  Note

that the connection table for Fig 2c is identical to that of  Fig 2a;

that of Fig 2b is different.

                   Table I.

 Structure (2a)   Structure (2b)  Structure (2c)

node|connected | node|connected | node|connected
    |   to     |     |   to     |     |  to
               |                |
  1    2,10    |  1    8,9      |  1    2,10
  2    1,3     |  2    7,3      |  2    1,3
  3    2,4,8   |  3    2,6      |  3    2,4,8
  4    3,5     |  4    6,8,10   |  4    3,5
  5    4,6     |  5    9,10     |  5    4,6
  6    5,7     |  6    3,4      |  6    5,7
  7    6,8     |  7    2,8      |  7    6,8
  8    3,7,9   |  8    1,4,7    |  8    3,7,9
  9    8,10    |  9    1,5      |  9    8,10
  10   1,9     |  10   4,5      |  10   1,9


      DEFINITION:   two numberings of the nodes of a  graph are
      ␈↓↓equivalent␈↓β   if the connection tables with the respective
      numberings  are  identical  when  the  node  numbers  are
      written in ascending  order and each "connected  to" list
      is in ascending order.

This means, among other  things, that properties such as  valency are

preserved:  If two numberings are equivalent and in the first, node 1

is trivalent then  in the second, node  1 is trivalent. If  there are

other  properties  of the  nodes  (already colored  or  labelled, for

example),  then  this  definition  can  be  extened  to  include  the

preserving of those properties.



For example, suppose there  are atom names associated with  (some of)

the nodes of the graph.  Then one can define equivalent numberings to

be those which  not only have  identical connection tables,  but also

the same atom names for  the corresponding nodes.  Then Fig  3a would

still be equivalent to Fig 3c but no longer to Fig 3b since, although

the connection tables of 3a and 3b are identical, node 1 in Fig 3a is

labelled with an "N" while while in 3b it unlabelled.

                        Figure 3.
                Partially labelled graphs reduce
                    the equivalencies.

         2     4             9     7             4     2
        / \   / \           / \   / \           / \   / \
       /   \ /   \         /   \ /   \         /   \ /   \
     N1     3     5N     N10    8     6N     N      3     1N
      |     |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
      |     |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
      10    8     6       1     3     5       6     8     10
       \   / \   /         \   / \   /         \   / \   /
        \ /   \ /           \ /   \ /           \ /   \ /
         9     7             2     4             7     9

          (3a)                 (3b)                (3c)



Given one numbering, one can  use a condensed notation to  write down

other numberings in terms of  the first.  In the 2b case  (Table II),

the row of  numbers means that, in  sequence, the node numbered  1 in

the reference  numbering 2a  is now numbered  2, the  node originally

numbered 2 is now numbered 10,  and so on.  All of these  are written



down with respect to the original "reference" numbering of figure 2a.

                    Table II
        Condensed Notation for Numberings

    Figure 2a numbers:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
    Figure 2b numbers:  2 10  3  7  4  6  5  8  1  9
    Figure 2c numbers:  5  4  3  2  1 10  9  8  7  6


One  can  conceptualize  a  numbering as  a  transformation  or  as a

function: The transformation for 2c is π  (1)=5,  π  (2)=4, π  (3)=3,
                                        2c         2c        2c

...  π  (10)=6.  These transformations are ␈↓↓permutations␈↓β  : one to one

mappings   from  the   integers  {1,2,...,n}   to   themselves.   The

transformation for the "reference" numbering is the identity  i(x)=x.

It  can be shown that whatever the graph, the set  of transformations

satisfying the "equivalency" requirement above satisfies the property

of a group.  One may then say:

      The  ␈↓↓symmetry ␈↓↓group␈↓β    of  a graph  is the  set  of all
      transformations which yield identical  connection tables.
      (If there are other properties to be considered,  one may
      include them as part  of the connection table).   For the
      decalin skeleton there are 4 permutations in the group.



                The Symmetry Group
              of the Decalin Skeleton

       π      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
       π      5  4  3  2  1 10  9  8  7  6
       π     10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
       π      6  7  8  9 10  1  2  3  4  5

These  correspond  directly  to  the  intuitive  geometric symmetries

π =identity, π =reflection about horizontal axis, π =reflection about
 i            h                                    v

vertical axis, π    = rotation 180 degrees.  It is not  too difficult

for a computer  program to figure out  the symmetry group of  a graph

given its connection table.

In many cases, one  might wish to label the  "edges" (interconnecting

lines) of  a graph.  In  this case, the  symmetry group on  the edges

rather than on the nodes is required.   It is very easy  to calculate

this group.  First find the  group on the nodes. Then, for  each edge

in the graph, write down  the nodes that form the  end-points.   Then

the corresponding permutations can be obtained as follows:
            π {n ,n }={π (n ),π (n )}
             i  1  2    i  1   i  2

This is most easily shown by way of an example. (Table IV).



                         Table IV
           Group of Decalin Skeleton acting on the edges

 π      1-2   2-3  3-8  3-4  4-5  5-6  6-7  7-8  8-9  9-10 1-10
 π      4-5   3-4  3-8  2-3  1-2  1-10 9-10 8-9  7-8  6-7  5-6
 π      9-10  8-9  3-8  7-8  6-7  5-6  4-5  3-4  2-3  1-2  1-10
 π      6-7   7-8  3-8  8-9  9-10 1-10 1-2  2-3  3-4  4-5  5-6

Finding  the  group of  an  object  is a  special  kind  of labelling

problem.  Given one way of numbering (labelling with distinct labels)

the  parts  of  the  object,  one  finds  all  other  ways  which are

equivalent.   The labelling  problem attacked  in this  paper  is the

converse:  to find  a maximal list of  labellings, none of  which are

equivalent  to  each other.   In  general the  set  of  all posssible

labellings can be split into subsets, such that:

      1) If two labellings  are in different subsets,  they are
      not equivalent.

      2)  If two  labellings are in  the same subset,  they are

These subsets are called ␈↓↓equivalence ␈↓↓classes.␈↓β  

The  relationship of  finding the  group, and  of  finding labellings

where all the labels are distinct, can be viewed as follows: Take the



n! possible labellings  and lay them out  in a matrix: each  row will

contain one equivalence class. (It can be shown that in  this special

cases where the labels  are distinct, all of the  equivalence classes

are of the same size).   To find the group, one needs to find  a row.

To find the labellings, one needs to pick one element from each row.
                Figure 4
           Equivalence classes, Groups, and Labellings



␈↓αA Naive Method␈↓β  

An  obvious  method  to  find the  distinct  labellings  would  be to

generate all n! of the possible ones, and for each one to check if an

equivalent one was  previously generated. Unfortunately,  this method

takes  an  exhorbitant  amount  of  computation  (proportional  to n!



squared).  Below a method is discussed which takes an amount  of time

roughly proportional to the  number of solutions (i.e. the  number of

equivalence classes of labellings) and requires only knowledge of the

symmetry group. Thus it  is useful for labelling objects  using their

geometric symmetry as well as the topological symmetry defined above.

␈↓αA Better Method␈↓β  

␈↓αSpecial case: distinguish 1  node.␈↓β   First consider the  special case

where there are only two types of labels such that there is one label

of the first type and all  the rest of the second.  (E.g.,  color one

red, and the rest green, or label one N and the rest C.) Intuitively,

for the decalin skeleton, one can see that there are three classes of

symmetric nodes, or orbits, marked with "⊗", "+" and "&" in  Fig.  5,

and that  each distinct labelling  corresponds to selecting  one node

from each type.  (see Fig 6.)
                      Figure 5
             Orbits in the Decalin Skeleton

                        ⊗     ⊗
                       / \   / \
                      /   \ /   \
                     +     &     +
                     |     |     |
                     |     |     |
                     +     &     +
                      \   / \   /
                       \ /   \ /
                        ⊗     ⊗




                           Figure 6
                Three Labellings of Decalin with
                        1 N and 9 C's.

        ⊗     ⊗             N     ⊗             ⊗     ⊗
       / \   / \           / \   / \           / \   / \
      /   \ /   \         /   \ /   \         /   \ /   \
     N     ⊗     ⊗       ⊗     ⊗     ⊗       ⊗     N     ⊗
     |     |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
     |     |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
     ⊗     ⊗     ⊗       ⊗     ⊗     ⊗       ⊗     ⊗     ⊗
      \   / \   /         \   / \   /         \   / \   /
       \ /   \ /           \ /   \ /           \ /   \ /
        ⊗     ⊗             ⊗     ⊗             ⊗     ⊗


Thus there are three distinct labellings (the ten possible labellings

split into three equivalalence classes).

␈↓αComputing orbits.␈↓β   In general,  the parts of an object  with symmetry

split into different orbits (sometimes there is only one type,  as in

the faces of a cube,  or the nodes of the cyclohexane  skeleton).  To

label the parts  of an object such  that one is distinguished,  it is

necessary only to find the  orbits and then, for each type,  pick one

of the parts in that  type arbitrarily.  Note that if the  object has

no symmetry each type has exactly one part in it.

It is very simple to find  the different types from the table  of the

symmetry group:  if one writes  out the group, as in Table  III, with



each permutation as a row, then the numbers in each column,  taken as

a set,  form an orbit.   The orbits  of the group  in Table  III are:

{1,5,6,10}, {2,4,7,9}, {3,8}.

After  finding  the  set  of orbits,  one  then  can  do  the special

labelling described above (distinguishing only one node):  the number

of distinct labellings is the number of orbits.  Each  corresponds to

selecting an  element from an  corresponding orbit and  labelling it.

For reasons to  be explained later, the  first element of  each orbit

should  be chosen  (i.e.  the one  with  the smallest  number  in the

reference numbering).

One might note here  that if one has n-1  labels and 1 "blank"  it is

the  same as  1 label  and n-1  "blanks".  This  special case  can be

applied here as well.  ␈↓αThe reduced symmetry group.␈↓β   Once a group has

been calculated for  a structure, many times  one wants to  know what

the group is  after some labels have  been attached.  The group  of a

labelled  structure  is  always  a  ␈↓↓subset␈↓β    of  the  group  of  the

unlabelled structure.  Thus one  needs to know which  permutations in

the  group  must  be  thrown out.  To  do  this,  write  the "labels"

associated with each node next to the node number in  the permutation

table as in Table  II.  If in any  column, there is an  element which

has a  different label  than the label  in the  "reference" numbering



(identity permutation),  then that  row can  be discarded.   That is,

every permutation in the reduced symmetry group must satisfy:

        for every node i,  label(π(i))=label(i).

Exactly those  permutations in the  original group that  satisfy this

equation are the ones in  the reduced symmetry group of  the labelled

structure.  ␈↓αReduction techniques␈↓β   In the general  labelling problem,

there are two important  techniques used to reduce the  problem.  The

first is called LABEL RECURSION  and the second ORBIT RECURSION.  The

idea behind LABEL RECURSION is that  one can do one label at  a time.

The idea behind ORBIT RECURSION is that one can label one orbit  at a

time.  These reductions are discussed in detail below.


* A ␈↓↓recursive␈↓β   technique is one which is defined in terms of itself.
For example, n! can be defined by:

               {  1         if n=1
         n! =  {
               {  n*(n-1)!  otherwise

The computation of 10!  involves computing another factorial.   It is
necessary  that  at each  step,  the problem  is  reduced.   Here the
general solution of  the labelling problem  is described in  terms of
less complicated labellings.  Several special cases (analogous to the
n=1 case in the definition of factorial) are also defined.



If one is given many (more than 2) kinds of labels, say n  of type 1,

n  of type  2, ... n   of type k, proceed  as follows: (1)  solve the
 2                  k

labelling problem  for n  of  one type of  label and  n +n +...+n  of
                        1                              2  3      k

another type. (Call the  second type of label "blank").    The result

will  be  a list  of  partially labelled  objects  (along  with their

reduced symmetry  groups).  Take  each of the  results and  label the

"blank" parts with n  labels of  one kind, n  of another, ...  ,n  of
                    2                       3                    k

another.  It can  be proved that  the results will  be a list  of all

distinct solutions  to the original  problem.  For example,  to label

the decalin skeleton with 1 label "N", 1 label "S" and 8  labels "C",

one first labels with 1 "N" and 9 "blanks" obtaining the 3 results in

figure  7a.  (Fig  7a1,7a2,7a3).   There  are now  3 new  problems to

label  The "blanks"  if Figs  7a1-3 (under  their  respective reduced

symmetry), with 1 "S" and 8 "C"'s.   In Figs 7a1 and 7a2, there is no

symmetry left, and  so each of the  "blanks" has its own  orbit, thus

there are  9 distinct labellings  apiece.  In Fig.  7a3, there  are 5

orbits under the  reduced symmetry, and  thus there are  5 additional

possiblities. (Fig 7b).



                     Figure 7
          Labellings with 1 N, 1 S, and 8 C's.
                                A       B       C

       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗
      / \ / \                 / \ / \
     N   ⊗   ⊗               N   ⊗   ⊗
7a1  |   |   |          7a1a |   |   |
     ⊗   ⊗   ⊗               ⊗   ⊗   ⊗
      \ / \ /                 \ / \ /
       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗

       N   ⊗                   N   ⊗
      / \ / \                 / \ / \
     ⊗   ⊗   ⊗               ⊗   ⊗   ⊗
7a2  |   |   |          7a2  |   |   |          this diagram
     ⊗   ⊗   ⊗               ⊗   ⊗   ⊗          is not complete
      \ / \ /                 \ / \ /
       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗
       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗
      / \ / \                 / \ / \
     ⊗   N   ⊗               ⊗   N   ⊗
7a3  |   |   |          7a3  |   |   |
     ⊗   ⊗   ⊗               ⊗   ⊗   ⊗
      \ / \ /                 \ / \ /
       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗


There are 3 cases in the 1 N, 9 C on the decalin skeleton problem.

     (case 1) 1 N goes to orbit {1,5,6,10}.
     (case 2) 1 N goes to orbit {2,4,7,9},
     (case 3) 1 N goes to orbit {3,8}.

There is only one possibility in each of these cases.   Suppose there

were 3 N's. Then there would be 9 cases. (Table IV).



                         Table IV.
                (3 N's on a decalin)

                            # N's going to
case        orbit                 orbit             orbit 
number   {1,5,6,10}             {2,4,7,9}           {3,8}

 1           3                     -                  - 
 2           2                     1                  - 
 3           2                     -                  1
 4           1                     2                  - 
 5           1                     1                  1
 6           1                     -                  2
 7           -                     3                  - 
 8           -                     2                  1
 9           -                     1                  2


In some  of these cases  there are more  than one  possibility (cases

2,3,4,5  and 8).   However, every  labelling fits  into one  of these

cases, and labellings from different cases cannot be equivalent.

Thus, each of these cases can be done independantly, and  the results

collected together. To do any one of the cases, the labellings of the

orbits can be done sequentially.

Take case 5.  First label one of {1,5,6,10} with one N, (and the rest

"blanks").   Since  {1,5,6,10}  is   an  orbit,  we  can   chose  one

arbitrarily and get Fig 8. (The first one is chosen).



                        Figure 8
                 1 N to orbit {1,5,6,10}

                         ⊗     ⊗
                        / \   / \
                       /   \ /   \
                      N     ⊗     ⊗
                      |     |     |
                      |     |     |
                      ⊗     ⊗     ⊗
                       \   / \   /
                        \ /   \ /
                         ⊗     ⊗


Second, label {2,4,7,9} with 1 N (and 3 blanks).  Note that {2,4,7,9}

is no longer an orbit under the reduced group.  Stick to the original

plan-- it is  just necessary to find  ␈↓↓new␈↓β   orbits under  the reduced

group to label {2,4,7,9}.  Since  there is no symmetry left,  each of

{2,4,7,9} falls into its own  orbit.  The "special case" can  be used

directly to find the 4 solutions (Fig 9).



                   Figure 9
              Second step of case 5

       N   ⊗                   ⊗   N
      / \ / \                 / \ / \
     N   ⊗   ⊗               N   ⊗   ⊗
9a   |   |   |          9b   |   |   |
     ⊗   ⊗   ⊗               ⊗   ⊗   ⊗
      \ / \ /                 \ / \ /
       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗

       ⊗   ⊗                   ⊗   ⊗
      / \ / \                 / \ / \
     N   ⊗   ⊗               N   ⊗   ⊗
9c   |   |   |          9d   |   |   |
     ⊗   ⊗   ⊗               ⊗   ⊗   ⊗
      \ / \ /                 \ / \ /
       ⊗   N                   N   ⊗


Then, for each  of these solutions, {3,8}  must be labelled with  1 N

(and 1 blank).   The final result is 8 possibilities for case 5, none

of which have any remaining symmetry.


Now the  only problem  to be solved  is this:  suppose there  are two

types of labels, n  of the first, and n  of the second, neither n  or
                  1                    2                         1

n  are  1, and  there is only  one orbit.  No more  simple reductions

left.  The solution, however, is another trick.  Pick the  first node

and label it, calculating the reduced symmetry group and  new orbits.



Label  the rest  of the  nodes (under  the reduced  group)  with n -1

labels of type 1 and n  labels of type 2.  The result will  contain a

representative of each  equivalence class of labellings;  however, if

n >2 then there may be some duplicates (i.e., two of the  results may

actually be equivalent).

For example,  the cyclohexane  skeleton has a  group of  order twelve

(has twelve permutations), and there is only one orbit.  To  label it

with three N's,  one labels node 1  with a N, calculates  the reduced

group and new orbits;  then finds the various cases  for distributing

the remaining two  N's among those orbits.  (Table V.) Then  for each

case, do  each orbit sequentially.   Cases 1, 3,  4 and 5  are fairly

straightforward;   in case  2, first label  {1,2} with 1  N.  (Figure

9).  Now the group reduces even further, and one gets the two results

depicted in Figure  9b.  Note that cases  1 and 2a are  equivalent as

well as 2b, 3,  and 5.   What to  do?   Fortunately, there is  a good

way of throwing out the impostors without having to check each of the

results against each  of the others for  equivalency.  If there  is a

permutation π in the group, such that π(labelled set) >  labelled set

then the  labelled set  is an impostor--  throw it  out. Furthermore,

every impostor is detected this  way.  All that is necessary  is that

when doing  these "lower  level" labellings, that  one is  careful to



pick the "first" element of each orbit to label and the "first orbit"

when there are a choice of orbits.

                Table V
           cases for 2 N's on
           {2,3,4,5,6} of cyclo-

       case    {2,6}  {3,5}    {4}

        1       2       -       -
        2       1       1       -
        3       1       -       1
        4       -       2       -
        5       -       1       1

Fortunately, this  technique is  rarely necessary  -- usually  in the

course of a computation, the "special cases" catch almost everything.

For example, to label the decalin skeleton, it is never  needed since

even when one is labelling say orbit {2,4,7,9}, there is either 1, 2,

n-1 or n-2 labels to  be attached.  For the cyclohexane  skeleton, it

is only needed if there are 3 of one label and 3 of another (if there

were 3,2 and 1 of three respective label types, just do the singleton

first -- the group will then reduce and again this  "FINAL TECHNIQUE"

will not be necessary.   Only in cases where there is at least 6 fold

symmetry (i.e., every orbit has at least 6 elements) and there are at

least 3 of each of the label types is this technique required.



                   ␈↓αC. SUMMARY OF LABELLING STEPS␈↓β  

1) Calculate the group if not previously calculated

2) if more than 2 different node types, do the entire labelling
   process with 1 of the label types, and the rest "blanks"; then
   for each of the solutions obtained, label the "blanks" with
   the remaining label types using the reduced symmetry group.
   and collect the results.

3) otherwise,
   a)  find the orbits

   b)  if more than one orbit, then
        1) find the different "cases" -- ways of distributing
           the labels among the orbits
        2) for each case,
            a)  label the first orbit
            b)  label the rest of the orbits using the reduced
                symmetry group obtained from a).
                and collect the results
   c)  otherwise (only 1 orbit and 2 label types)
        1) if there is only one of one of the label types,
           pick the "first" node and label it with that
           label type.   This is the only distinct possibility.
        2) otherwise, if there are two of one of the label
           types, label the first node with that label type,
           calculate the reduced symmetry group and new orbits,
           and from each of the new orbits, pick the "first"
           node.  The solutions consist of those possibilities
           (one for each new orbit).
        3) otherwise, (3 or more of each label type, and one orbit)
           label the "first" node, calculate the reduced symmetry
           group, label the rest of the nodes under the reduced
           group, and for each of the results, check if for every
           permutation π in the original group that
                π(labelled set)≥labelled set
           If this is not true of a labelled set, discard it
           as a solution.   The result is every such labelling
           that satisfies this property.




[1] De Bruijn, N. G., Generalization of Polya's Fundamental theorem
in Enumerative Combinatorial Analysis, Nedarl. Akad. Wentensh. Proc.
Ser. A, 62 (1959), 59-69; also Polya's Theory of Counting, in
Applied Combinatorial Mathematics, E. Beckenbach, ed, Wiley, New
York, 1964, pp 144-184.

[2] I. Ugi

[3] Previous DENDRAL papers

[4] Perlman?
